Saturday, August 15, 2009

Jessica and Ryan: Sneak Peek 7.11.09

I really wanted to be delivering these sneak peeks less than a week after each wedding but with the demand of getting the previous weddings done along with albums and other sessions this summer has gotten away with me.
Such a sweet and adorable couple!
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I thought this shot was so cute I had to repeat it on my next few weddings too.
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...OH and on the guys! haha.
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WHOO HOO we're married!
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Selvidge edge said...

These pictures are especially beautiful ! Love the sunset !


Anonymous said...

I adore all of these, but especially the ones where its just the two of them in front of the lake. Just amazing.

Jen said...

Love all the blue blue skies with this beautiful couple! Gorgeous as always Jill!

Pegasus Photography said...

Jill, this is my favorite wedding set I've seen you post!!!! Gorgeous wedding party! I love all the poses you did, too. It's amazing the quality portraits you can take when a bride and groom will make lots of time for the photgrapher. It makes such a difference! Again, these were all AMAZING!!!

Bethany said...

Love these pictures! And I went to high school with a lot of these people...what a small world!

Nicole said...

Loving the elegance of the black/white with the gorgeous blue skies and the colors of the sunset in the lake photos! I love the picture of the bride and groom holding hands, turned away from each other. But my favorite has to be the one of the bride with her head in the groom's lap by the lake!

Kelly said...

Hellllloooo blue sky!!! Love the shots in the field! Just beautiful and really unique. Great job!!!